Are you looking forward to Summer as much as we are? If you live in the southern or coastal states then you are pretty familiar with this beautiful recipe: Cajun Shrimp in Foil.
Setting up your largest table, covering it with brown paper, grabbing your favorite dipping sauces, and inviting your closest friends and family makes for a wonderful Summer celebration.
Each ingredient added in this recipe is coated in a wonderful array of spices to enhance the flavors of the shrimp, peppers, onion, and potatoes.
You can make this as a single serving, a regular dinner with the family, or make extra to share. But, there is no better way to enjoy a fresh Cajun Shrimp in Foil recipe than to set up a table outside and make memories with your loved ones over some dang good food!
Can you believe this delectable Cajun Shrimp in Foil is ready to serve in under 45 minutes– that’s crazy! Your kitchen will smell beautifully of seafood and our favorite seasoning. You will probably stand by the oven just to get a waft of that wonderful aroma. Watch as each ingredient bubbles away while their flavors marinade together.
What type of Shrimp is best to use?
The easiest way to enjoy your food, without taking away from the ambiance of the experience is to purchase shrimp that are already deveined and peeled. Any size works but if you use smaller shrimp be careful to not overcook them. Check the texture every few minutes to make sure they do not turn rubbery.
Can you substitute any of the added ingredients?
The recipe is your blank canvas so get creative! If you prefer a different type of potato, use a different variety of corn, or any other of your favorite Summer foods add them in there! Recipes like this are a beautiful way to customize your pallet.
Here are the ingredients you need for this Cajun Shrimp in Foil.
1 lb. Shrimp with tails on
1 lb. Smoked sausage cut into large pieces
8 Mini cobs of corn
½ Red onion cut into large pieces
1 Red bell pepper cut into large pieces
16 Baby red potatoes
8 Tbsp. Chicken broth
4 Tbsp. Butter unsalted and melted
Salt and pepper to taste
Cajun seasoning to taste
Extra-wide and heavy-duty aluminum foil
Now that your mouth is watering; let’s bake this Cajun Shrimp in Foil!
Preheat your oven to 400 degrees, and grab your foil.
Spread out four extra-wide sheets of heavy-duty aluminum foil. If you cannot find the wide foil, you can fold together two sheets of regular foil to make it wider.
In the center of each sheet of foil, place two pieces of corn on the cob, four baby potatoes, ¼ of the shrimp, ¼ of the sausage, some red onion, red bell pepper, salt, and pepper to taste, and cajun seasoning to taste.
Fold up the sides of the foil and roll it down to form a closed tent over the top of the food.
Roll the edges of each piece of foil up so that you have formed a closed packet.
Bake for 30-40 minutes until vegetables are tender and the meat is cooked through.
Celebrate the season!

Cajun Shrimp In Foil
- 1 lb. Shrimp with tails on
- 1 lb. Smoked sausage cut into large pieces
- 8 Mini cobs of corn
- ½ Red onion cut into large pieces
- 1 Red bell pepper cut into large pieces
- 16 Baby red potatoes
- 8 Tbsp. Chicken broth
- 4 Tbsp. Butter unsalted and melted
- Salt and pepper to taste
- Cajun seasoning to taste
- Extra wide heavy duty aluminum foil
- Preheat the oven to 400 degrees.
- Spread out four extra wide sheets of heavy duty aluminum foil. If you cannot find the wide foil, you can fold together two sheets of regular foil to make it wider.
- In the center of each sheet of foil, place two pieces of corn on the cob, four baby potatoes, ¼ of the shrimp, ¼ of the sausage, some red onion, red bell pepper, salt and pepper to taste and cajun seasoning to taste.
- Fold up the sides of the foil and roll it down to form a closed tent over the top of the food.
- Roll the edges of each piece of foil up so that you have formed a closed packet.
- Bake for 30-40 minutes until vegetables are tender and the meat is cooked through.
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